“Research is creating new knowledge.” -Neil Armstrong
Publication - 2014: Ihara-Zeta Functions and Cospectrality of Joins of Regular Graphs, Discrete Mathematics Journal, with A. Blanchard, M. Somodi
Professional - 2013-14: Designed and built a prototype for a genetic/artificial-life algorithm for solving optimization problems. This was a multipurpose project completed while employed with CBE companies. Discoveries were submitted as additions to a departmental white paper.
Academic - 2016: Collaborated on a genetic/artificial life algorithm intended to optimize flight packages for sports tournaments etc. My contribution on this project was purely in a consulting capacity, but the results proved to be 20%+ more efficient than the best analytics hitherto.
Academic - 2014-17: Collaborated with two professors of mathematics at the University of Northern Iowa (Dr. Adrienne Stanley and Dr. Michael Prophet) on a research project concerning the probability distribution of a "persistent binomial" experiment. We discovered many real-world applications for this combinatorial problem and I think it's a fascinating topic. Feel free to ask for more details!
MA Thesis - 2012: On Twisted Joins and Their Ihara-Zeta Functions
Undergraduate - 2008: Spent the summer of 2008 working under Dr. Reto Asmis at the University of Texas Health and Science Center of San Antonio. We studied in vitro the effects of certain phytochemicals/ nutrients like resveratrol and ursolic acid on macrophage migration.